Beware of injury! Use gas springs

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In an earlier article, we addressed the issue of gas springs in rescue vehicles, on stretchers and in hospitals. Today we look at the situation in which gas springs can prevent injury to us and save our health, also lives.


The often tedious trainings of occupational health and safety are making us busy for long hours already when starting any kind of job. Again we encounter them in regular courses and recurrent training. Despite our hatred toward the trainings, we must realize that they are formed for us and especially to protect us. The professional handling of a machine, wearing a helmet, reflective vest and other safety features, complying with rules on movement in the workplace, as well as a ban on smoking in the workplace ensure the smooth running of the production process without unnecessary injuries.

We protect with the best intentions

In our company it is also important to protect the life and health of our employees. We adhere to strict safety measures during manufacturing, pressurization, as well as the storage and dispatch of gas springs to minimize a potentially dangerous situation.

Where can springs help?

We can give you a simple answer. Everywhere. Gas springs are used as auxiliary equipment in all types of work. We find them in small workshops for the repair of automobiles, also in large plants with hundreds of employees. Regularly monitored gas springs prevent those cases where a worker falls on the head from a loose cover or when a machine at work closes on the fingers. Gas springs hold all covers better than chains, supports and various other substitutes.

Protect yourself at work and at home

Springs can be ordered for any cover in your production plant, but also in the home. Equip with them for example the front hood of your fleet and replace oil, flashlight and antifreeze safely. For a few euros you can have quality gas springs that can save you an appointment at the doctor.

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