When is the right time to change the gas spring?

Home / Nezaradené / When is the right time to change the gas spring?

Gas springs are considered consumer goods. Regardless of their quality and period of service, after a certain service life, we have to recognize that their lifetime has ended. What are the indicators for the right time to change the spring?

Warranty and service life

We provide one year warranty for gas springs from the date of their filling. If number 01/2017 is imprinted on the spring, its warranty is valid until the first week of 2018. In order to be eligible for warranty, the label with the filling date must be legible.

With normal use (for example, in a car trunk) the spring will last much longer. Its life depends on the stress (number of lifts), conditions in which it operates (extreme temperatures, humidity, dust) and possible damage (for example when loading the material into the trunk).

Red light

Unfortunately, we do not mount this into the gas springs. But the movement of the springs will simply suggest that functionality is limited. You cannot really depend on gas springs anymore that do not work 100%. You also risk the fall of a raised hatch (such as a car trunk) which can cause an unpleasant injury. If the trunk lid hits you slightly on your head, nothing may happen, but if a heavy steel hatch of the dropping lid drops on your fingers, you would feel it.

If the gas spring shows the following “qualities”, consider changing it immediately.

  • jamming – the spring does not lift the hatch smoothly, the movement is cracked
  • weak lift – you need to use more force to open the hatch and closes almost completely by itself
  • unpleasant sounds – mean damage or clogging of the internal spring components
  • visible markings on the piston rod – apparently caused by micro particles, just like with the dampers on the car (see how the cross-section of a gas spring looks like)

Are springs a write-off? Order new already today

We offer you a wide range of gas springs of all sizes. We will pressurize your model and immediately sent it to you. Dismantling the old and installing a new spring can be done in a few minutes. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

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