Use your storage space thanks to gas springs

Home / Nezaradené / Use your storage space thanks to gas springs

Gas springs are most frequently used for the simplified handling of a lid, which conceals some space. Whether it’s a car trunk, channel hatch or trapdoor, gas springs facilitate their usage for us. How about their use in the bedroom to enlarge the volume of storage space?

Problem with space

In today’s materialistic era full of different things, for which we are often solving problems with storage space. In particular, in regards to small apartments we deal with the fact that clothes, old items and children’s toys do not have a permanent place. People buy cabinets and dressers, and thus throw other big things into a small space. This way does not prevent a constricted living space, in which no one feels well.

Beds and daybeds

Today beds and daybeds offer great possibilities for storing duvets, boxes and unnecessary appliances. Unfortunately, beds with storage space are difficult to open, and are usually provided with springs, which do not help with opening. The space remains unused due to impractical opening. However, would it not be sensible to install gas springs in the bed, thus allowing family members easy handling?

Video: Opening a difficult bed with storage space in an easy and comfortable manner

Storage of boxes

We can install gas springs on everything. The Internet is full of ideas and we have chosen a pair of really interesting one’s for you. In the first video you can see the installation of gas springs for hatch stools. The second video presents the installation of gas springs on a wooden box. As you can see, DIY ideas have no limits.

Video: See how to install gas springs into opening stools

Video: Installation of gas springs in a wooden storage box

Space under the stairs

Have you ever seen a modern staircase, incorporating a library or socket? As well as in this case it is possible to install a small gas spring in the opening step to facilitate its opening.


Do you also have gas springs installed in the daybed or stool at home? Send us a photo or video of your work.

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