Take a peek into the plynovevzpery.sk company with us

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Have you ever been interested in details behind the scenes of gas springs production? How long does the preparation of gas springs take and how many satisfied customers have already purchased from us? You will the find answers on these and other questions in this article.

Gas spring preparation

The preparation and shipment process of gas springs has to be fast and efficient in a large number of orders. A few operations are waiting for us from receipt of the order up to the gas spring shipping to our customers. The average time of the precise required pressurization of gas spring is approximately 20 seconds. Thanks to an effective technique, we can thus pressurize a multitude of springs in a relatively short time.


The total gas spring preparation time takes about two minutes from removal off the tray, through labeling, pressurizing, mounting terminals, up to the final packaging. Therefore, we can expressly send you a precisely customized gas spring.

Satisfaction in every corner of Slovakia

Gas springs are dispatched to all parts of the country. Currently there more than 2740 people who have made a real purchase in our company in our client database. Of course, those are small purchasers of springs for households, but there are also big clients with a regular demand.

How are we doing?

We recorded exactly 24,129 gas springs sold towards the end of June 2016. Hundreds of gas springs pass through our hands on a daily basis, which reliably help in all sectors from industry to advertising. The number of sold springs is increasing with the increasing number of customers.

Our aim is to develop

The company must not stagnate in one place to be successful. Continuous team development, a regular supply of new items, improving quality and service are our most prominent priorities. Due to this we also have many satisfied customers across Slovakia.

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