In the hospital as well as the massage parlor – gas springs can truly be found everywhere

Home / Nezaradené / In the hospital as well as the massage parlor – gas springs can truly be found everywhere

Gas springs often give the impression of a purely industrial article. People automatically handle large hydraulic machines in which several functions depend precisely on gas springs. The average person mainly uses them in the trunk or kitchen. How are they used in public services?

They help the sick

Gas springs are widely used, particularly in hospitals. Their primary purpose is to hold the moving parts of wheelchairs, hospital beds and racks, portable beds and auxiliary lifting equipment for disabled people in such positions according to need.

But they also help with various tables in operating theaters, due to them being practical for storing tools. Springs are easy to maintain and are therefore suitable for precise surgical work requiring maximum hygiene.

Rehabilitation and relaxation

But enough about sickness! We prefer to use services that will make our day perfect. Gas springs can be found in a variety of different parlors – cosmetic, tattoo, hair, massage, as well as in the nail studio.

Massage chairs are the most common household gas springs. Reliable gas springs are responsible for simple movements or holding all backrests, attachments and restraints in a fixed position.

You know modern equipment according to gas springs

We don’t want to say that equipment without gas springs is old or unusable. Gas springs, however, are mounted on the newest tables, shelves and chairs in the above-mentioned parlors as a modern accessory for maximum comfort when handling them.

The springs in these salons (and offices) are also used in a standing desk, which are tables with adjustable height. Work with them while standing, but also when sitting on a chair or even on the ground. The right gas springs also help the user with the optimization of this table.

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