Cars, motorcycles and tractors – gas struts hand in hand means of transport

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Opening the trunk to our cars is always accompanied by a strange hissing, due to gas struts. Many of us think that gas struts are used almost exclusively for this need. Struts are found everywhere and make our way to work more pleasant, but how about for adventure?

Staying on the move

In addition to the aforementioned rear trunk we also find gas struts in various other locations:

Support for hoods instead of old-fashioned bars, ashtrays, the glove compartment, cup holders, various curtains on glass, vertically open doors to sports car models, containers (bags) on cruise bikes and tricycles, all windows in a tractor cabin, baggage compartments at the bottom part of the bus, hatches to the bus part with bed, a folding bed in long-distance trucks, trailers for the transport of horses and other animals, sales counters and freezers for ice cream supplies.

In all these places you can find gas struts, which devotedly serve motorists on the road.

Gas struts can also swim

Of course, not literally. Their use is, however, very widespread also on water. From small boats, in which there are containers for food or tools to ocean-going tankers. You will find gas struts everywhere: on windows, protective covers, on a crane, the container of the door between bulkheads, etc.

With struts to the sky

Aircraft and helicopters also need gas struts. All doors in the cargo area, storage boxes above the passenger seats, the landing gear system, compartments with oxygen masks and life jackets or carts with snacks. Even in these places we find gas struts, without which our express air travel would not be at all comfortable.

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